Episode 1 –Dannevirke
Piri heads to Manawatu to meet with Jamain Waretini and Luke “Fathead” Wright. The trio dive off the coast in search of kaimoana. Piri joins Joseph Rolston, The Ruahine Hunter, for a rabbit hunt and later meets up with a local high school football team.

Episode 2 – Hokianga
Piri joins Nore Martin in Mitimiti where they try their luck at land-based fishing for snapper. Piri heads to Whirinaki to go drag-netting for flounder with Joe Wynyard. Piri meets with the locals of the area for a big feast.

Episode 3 – Gisborne
Piri dives for kina in Gisborne and faces his fear of stingrays. Join Piri on a voyage on the Waka Tairawhiti, an experience like no other! Visit one of the largest Māori meeting houses, Te Poho o Rawiri Marae.

Episode 4 – Manawatu
Piri meets a hearty duo who takes him on a search for the illusive samba deer just out of Marton. Then Piri heads up the Whanganui River to the small settlement of Matahiwi to climb the steep face of a maunga to chase wild pigs.

Episode 5 –Whangarei
Piri tries his hand at snapper fishing from a kayak with the help of experienced angler Jason Kemp. Piri and Jason hit Bream Bay for a scallop dive. Then Piri is put to the test in another type of canoe as he attempts to outrun a National Waka Ama champion.

Episode 6 –Bay of Plenty
Piri goes trout fishing around Lake Rotorua with Inia Maxwell. Piri then meets up with Sevens rugby player Joe Webber to go longlining for snapper.

Episode 7 – Cape Runaway
Piri visits Opotiki to check out the infamous horse sports events. Then Piri goes fishing off the rocks at Cape Runaway with local Rawiri Waititi.

Episode 8 – Bluff
Piri heads to Bluff to go diving for paua with local Thomas Heads. He battles rough seas in the Forveaux Strait to catch the prized blue cod fish. Later, he sits down for a korero over lunch with the mayor of Invercargill, Tim Shadbolt.

Episode 9 – Hicks Bay
Piri heads to Hicks Bay to try and catch kahawai surfcasting. Then Piri meets experienced angler and kuia Matekino Smith in Lottin Point to fish for blue mau mau.

Episode 10– Wellington
Piri is joined by the Kinda Crew as he fishes for butterfish and goes deer hunting on the South Coast. They later longline for hapuka in the Cook Strait.

Episode 11– Urewera
Piri goes deep into the Urewera Valley to hunt along the river to catch tuna with a hinaki. Piri hunts for deer with the help of local dogs in the Urewera ranges.

Episode 12– Otago
Piri meets locals in the Otago region who take him on an action-packed adventure in one of the most beautiful parts of Aotearoa. This Otago outing includes target shooting, crutching merino sheep, hunting wild bull, deer stalking and trout fishing.

Episode 13– Kapiti
Piri heads to Kapiti to go fishing for tuna and tries his hand at spearfishing on the West Coast. Piri gets the lowdown on native birds in the area from Wayne Spratt.